Monday, June 30, 2008

The best things...

Personal use:
The best 2.0 tool I've got now is GoodReads. I have so little time to read but hope, as the kids get older to catch up so I love having a spot that I can quickly and easily add titles that I would surely forget between now and the rosy, future time full of reading. And that I can include who recommended them it fantastic. I have a terrible memory for names of anything so I really need this tool!

I tried MySpace and didn't like. Will try FaceBook later -- have been hearing good things but I still don't think it is my thing.

Micro-blogging just might work for me -- not so interested in displaying my life but like to share cool stuff. Will try to find time to try it for real.

Professional use:
GoogleDocs for collaboration.
Wikis for staff information.
GoodReads for RA.
Blogs, we use already :)

Library-level use:
Meebo for reference.
Wikis for library website.
Blogs/RSS for website.
GoodReads for new books and staff recommendations.
Video posting for intro to the new libraries.

Tweeting on Twitter and Tumbling

When Twitter first arrived, when...? last year sometime, I was pretty disgusted with the whole thing but that just shows how little imagination I have. When I recently found the Portland Police's twitter account, I was facinated! It is a mix of official-type annoucements and personal comments. I don't know how official the account is -- is it run by or sanctioned by the Bureau? Some of the comments that seem to coming from officers are a tad less professional than one might expect if it was an official vehicle of communication but maybe the Bureau is cooler than I think (maybe not). The number of follower is not huge but I was impressed considering it is a police force.

I haven't found that many libraries are using it and those that do seem to be academic (makes sence considering the demographic). I think we could maintain an account, meaning I think we would have enough to tweet about regularly but I don't think we'd have enough followers to justify the effort. In the future, if this microblogging thing sticks around and grows sufficiently, I think it would be a reasonable thing for the library to participate in.

Of course, Twitter would have to be more reliable than it is now -- today I have to reload the page at least once for every click I make. Is this normal? It was the same last year when I was checking it out but maybe that's just my luck.

Love the Tumblr Documentary!!

tumblr. - The Documentary from DaveAOK on Vimeo.

I could see myself using this until I watched the documentary, sigh. Geeks. But funny, those geeks.

Actually, if it can be embedded in the website, this might be a great thing for a library.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Genealogy is everywhere!

Who knew so many genealogists where into making videos? I found both good and not so good videos on genealogy on all of the video sites listed for Discover2.0. Sure, some of them are actually marketing schemes trying to lure in the little old ladies just trying to do their family histories but that's how we judge whether or not the site is creepy, right? You Are TV takes the creepy prize for the volume of marketing schemes masquerading as ligit genealogy videos, just in case you were wondering.

There are actually some really good genealogy videos out there including the series on the Allen County Library Genealogy Center, produced by the Allen County Library. These are videos that I would highly recommend viewing before heading there to do reserach. You get an intro to the collection and services as well as a chance to become familar with the layout of the library. It would save a visitor valuable time to know ahead of time what to expect and be somewhat familiar with the surroundings upon arrival and reduce the chance that some wonderful resource be missed.

I can see legitimate uses for the library beyond our current OneMinuteCritic (which is great). This would be a great tool for us to use as the new libraries open. One video an introduction to the new library and another on the building process for each new branch. Better start now!

Podcasts: Audio time suckers

I am sounding negative, I know, but it's me, not them. I can get sucked into audio but there is a time commitment for each podcast. I can't scan the thing, check the last sentence to decide if I want to spend that time (and how much anyway?) on it. I do listen to some podcasts semi-regularly but they are mostly radio shows that I have to miss when they are broadcast and that I know I will want to hear. I listen on my computer, over speakers, so it is like listening to the radio -- I don't like headphone and earbuds and I can get things done without being roped to the computer or feeling cut off from my surroundings by headphones.

I know my daughter would enjoy storytime-type podcasts -- she loves listening to kids books in audio -- but they would need to be high quality audio and the random casts from libraries that I listened to where low in the department. Maybe that's the thing that made me feel most where not worth my time, the low quality sound. I am used to listening to podcasts of professional radio shows (This American Life, Fresh Air, etc) and these had such a cheesy, made in the basement feel that I wasn't intereted. Hmm, maybe I am an audio-snob.

Now this is Cool Stuff

PG Wodehouse read out loud. Boomtown Rats streaming. Must remember to get to the desk. :)

I did judge the streaming music sites by their "cover", I'll admit it. I used to use Pandora, years ago when they first appeared and so I don't have a great opinion of them -- I'm sure they've changed, just not willing to give them my time. I was initially turned off by the look-and-feel of IMEEM and then not impressed by my search results. My choice, at this point, is -- I'll give them a try for a while, see if they stand up to my high standards ;)

The Internet Archive is just getting better and more useful as it ages (don't most archives?). The speeches are particularly important for us librarians to remember.

I tried Mango Languages months ago when it was mentioned on Infodoodads and in Beta. I loved it but now it's Alpha (?) and they want money, quite a bit of it so I don't think I'll be using it.

The Absolute Sound Effects Archive is a great alternative to sound effects on CD, glad to see it and I think my kids will love it.

CDs aren't dead, yet...

I (heart) GoogleDocs

Now here's a Web2.0 app that is close to my heart! I have been using it for several months and it is so nice to be able to work on my documents where and whenever I want! I use it at home and at work at multiple desks from multiple computers and never have to worry about versions, saving, etc. I haven't used it much for collaberation but know other who use it regularly to defeat limitations of time and space with much success! I think this is a tool we could use in our department if we all make a good-faith effort -- say, in creating and maintaining support docs for the branches that will be doing patron instruction in the near future.

Cool stuff, not.

Wow. This Discover2.0 thing can really kick a girl when she is down. I'm already feeling like an old, fuddy-duddy (and only a fuddy-duddy would use that term, right) and then I look at the "cool stuff" and am bored, or worse, annoyed by all of it! I don't have the time or inclination to play games on the computer (I was a very young thing when Pong came out and haven't ever found a electronic game I liked) and I find Yahoo Answers so incredibly annoying it was all I could do to not yell at the screen "Get a life!" or something appropriately old-fogy-ish. Really, is that the place for meaning of life questions? Sandwiched between solicitations for porn? Ugh. Blek. I give up.

On the other hand GoodReads is turning out to be not only fun about actually helpful!