Friday, June 27, 2008

Cool stuff, not.

Wow. This Discover2.0 thing can really kick a girl when she is down. I'm already feeling like an old, fuddy-duddy (and only a fuddy-duddy would use that term, right) and then I look at the "cool stuff" and am bored, or worse, annoyed by all of it! I don't have the time or inclination to play games on the computer (I was a very young thing when Pong came out and haven't ever found a electronic game I liked) and I find Yahoo Answers so incredibly annoying it was all I could do to not yell at the screen "Get a life!" or something appropriately old-fogy-ish. Really, is that the place for meaning of life questions? Sandwiched between solicitations for porn? Ugh. Blek. I give up.

On the other hand GoodReads is turning out to be not only fun about actually helpful!

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